Ms. CRANKY'S HAT, well, one of them

Ms. CRANKY'S HAT, well, one of them

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

MS. CRANKY HAD ALWAYS LOVED THANKSGIVING (until every TV show presented recipes for over 6 weeks before the Day --- get a grip people!)

Ms. Cranky is so glad Thanksgiving is over this year because she doesn't think she could stand one more turkey and/or turkey stuffing recipe (the turkey isn’t even stuffed anymore anyway!).  Cranky expects to see a glut of recipes on the cooking shows at this time of year but not necessarily for 6 weeks straight and not on every non-cooking show as well. 
Maybe even Al Roker got in on the act.  For all Cranky knows, he put on a white apron and paraded out some old family secret.  Ms. Cranky, by the way, loves Al Roker and does not even know if he did a turkey show act.  But, Cranky still has to wonder ---What is it with all these recipes and why blast them for so long a time period??? 

Is the American public really that dim-witted?  Isn’t making a turkey like universal knowledge?  And, now Cranky fears besides, of course, Christmas recipes galore from every Tom, Dick and Hanna --- a nauseating Valentine’s Day pre-preparation.  She’d better start getting ready for that one --- all that frosting!
A turkey’s a turkey, stuffing’s stuffing --- put in sausage, add an oyster, Cranky doesn’t care --- just stop telling her about it.  Brine the damn poor bird, don’t brine it but just calm down. 

Now, Cranky is really worried in trying to prepare for the onslaught of silly Christmas songs even on her favorite rock stations; they’ve already started and she’s jumping up changing stations and not getting any work done.  It’s enough to make her turn to those weird white things dangling from your ears. 

Ouiii, but, thanks for stopping by.  It’s always good to visit.  Cranky’d love to know your thoughts on this whole over-wrought recipe hubbub.
Ms. Cranky, Monday after Thanksgiving, December 2, 2013 --- rent due


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