Ms. Cranky has talked about this subject before but, no worries, this is from a 5 cent different angle. Some might know that Ms. Cranky hates that things are marked $8.99 and $4.99 and that major TV hosts announce these prices as if, they too, are fooled that the prices aren’t like really $9 and $5 bucks. Ms. Cranky doesn’t think her hallowed Barbara Walters does it but some of her charges do, really smart people and they act so excited about the price.
Ms. Cranky was recently deposed by a good friend to a chain store to pick up new pants and a t-shirt for a job interview. Ms. Cranky hates to shop, will not try on (too painful) and does not like to spend money period. But, she had made the mistake of telling a friend she was going on a job interview the next day and thought maybe her best pants wouldn’t work. Ms. Cranky’s very best and quite nice black pants from Penney’s had to have the cuffs repaired and Ms. Cranky couldn’t find her black thread, though of course she did after the pants were repaired, so she hitched up the cuffs with brown thread instead although brown thread’s still better than the tiny gold pins Cranky usually uses!
She wears these pants on state occasions when she meets and greets people at events and she smiles a lot and thinks that no one is noticing her cuffs at that time. They’re out for a good evening and it’s not about Cranky’s garb.
But, her friend was adamant that she could not go ‘frayed’ into the job interview, ouii, and pushed her, well, very much encouraged Ms. Cranky to go along only a few blocks down to a major chain store and get new clothes for the interview.
Ms. Cranky did as she was told but was horrified by the not too good materials in this place and the prices were definitely not cheap. Ms. Cranky favors Penney’s but it was too far away. She looked at a few things, grabbed a pair of black pants in a size she hoped would fit and a few men’s tee shirts that were on sale. Cranky thinks that men’s clothes are made better, are roomier, etc. and that women get the short shrift in clothes. Women’s clothes, she thinks are more skimpily made with materials that don’t hold up.
But, Cranky was, though not thrilled to be in the store in the first place, shocked at how high the prices were for stuff not that good and, then, to add to her already jaundiced view of things, the price wasn’t $19.99, it was, instead, $19.94!!! How adorable! Where do they come up with these great ideas anyway? Wait till they gush about that price on television. Maybe the chain store had read Ms. Cranky’s other columns and decided to reform. Wow, sometimes you just don’t know where the surprises are coming from.
Ms. Cranky would love to hear what you think about these ridiculous pricing notions and wonders --- ‘are we really dumb enough to fall for this?’
By the way, the interview went quite well and Cranky got excited about the creative possibilities of the job. And, she got to walk in Riverside Park after, a mystical place she adores but by the time she wandered home, Cranky’s new pants were pretty wrinkled up, the man’s tee shirt, though, was just fine.
Ms. Cranky, June 2012, thanks for stopping by and come again!
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