Ms. CRANKY'S HAT, well, one of them

Ms. CRANKY'S HAT, well, one of them

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Ms. Cranky was fighting with her crossword puzzle and not really listening to entertainment TV the other night when she started hearing these reports about the Kardashian sisters’ closets.  Again, not paying much attention but trying to get ‘#64 down,’ the information kept coming at her from out of the TV set --- did they really say like ‘300 some pocket books and 51 clutches,’ but poor Courtney only has ‘273 pocket books and 51 clutches,’ 51 seems to be the magic number for clutches in that family. A ‘clutch’ for someone who doesn’t know is a smaller bag that you just --- clutch to you; it has nothing to do with gears on your car.  Cranky guesses it’s something you might take to a party when you don’t want to be seen with a bigger bag, but, then, as Ms. Cranky always thinks --- who really cares?  Ms. Cranky has but one purse and not a clutch to be seen.
But, the story about the closets must have bothered Cranky more than she thought because she kept thinking --- ‘I have one bag and that’s fine with me and I usually carry my Wegman’s tote bag for extra things --- library books, light groceries, crosswords to do while waiting for buses, riding the subway, etc.’
Then, Ms. Cranky remembered where she got her purse, quite nice though small.  It was left behind under a desk at a temp job she was at and when they were moving offices, no one wanted it and voted it should go to Ms. Cranky.  It was worn some but it still worked. 
Cranky began using it last summer after her other bag, a hand me down from a friend she loves, got stolen when she was out trying to keep pickers out of the garbage pails in front of her building.  The pickers were really making a mess of everything.  Someone next door had moved and just threw all their stuff --- clothes, shoes, full diaries and all out onto the street, not even in trash bags.  But, when the pickers were gone, so was Ms. Cranky’s purse, her good deed undone. 
Ms. Cranky wonders what she would do with more than one hand bag?  Where does one get the time to change your things around and what if you forgot your Metro card in the new purse, how would you explain that to the bus driver?  But, Ms. Cranky thinks the Kardashian sisters don’t ride the bus a lot.
Ms. Cranky got to thinking that if the Kardashian sisters auctioned off even ½ of the many purses they have, think of the money they could raise for charity?  And, if they auctioned off half, they would still have 26 clutches each.  Are there even 26 different colors for these things to go with?  And, where do they find the time to shop for all this stuff?  Not to mention storing it, repairing it.  It’s all Ms. Cranky can do to work, wash her kitchen floors which look dirty again before the mop dries, cook, move a button and fix a hem here and there and participate in the great life of her city and area.
Yikes, and this Kardashian wedding this weekend?  Ms. Cranky will probably miss it; she thinks it’s probably on some cable TV station that she doesn’t get. 
Oh, well, she’ll have to garden, swim, get ready for the annual block party and go to church and pray for her many friends with horrid ailments and surgeries ahead of them who just want to be healthy again and to hell with another purse!

Thanks for stopping by.  Ms. Cranky would love to know what you think of having 273 purses? 
Keep truckin’ as they used to say and Cranky never knew what it meant then either.

Yours, Ms. Cranky

August 18, 2011

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